Regional Studies (Ethnography): Africa
Study Course Implementer
Dzirciema street 16, Rīga,
About Study Course
Preliminary Knowledge
Learning Outcomes
1.Have specialised and interdisciplinary general knowledge of ‘Africa’ as a region, concept and continent and know the potentials, but also the limits of regional analysis and an area-studies approach.
1.- Can understand, explain and apply the holistic analytical approach of ethnography when dealing with specific case studies and examples; - Are able to articulate a nuanced understanding of knowledge politics and power dynamics underlying different, and contested, representations of Africa.
1.- Can critically assess the role historical factors, socio-cultural dynamics, changing politico-economic systems and international interventions have played in shaping African life worlds today; - Display strengthened ability to critically read, analyse and discuss ethnographies based on research in Africa.
Individual work
Study Course Theme Plan
Overview II: African Histories
Representations of Africa – Decolonizing Knowledge I (Case Study: South Africa)
Representations of Africa – Decolonizing Knowledge II (Case Study: South Africa cont.)
Middle Classes in Africa I: Stratification and Urbanization (Case Study: Ghana)
Middle Classes in Africa II: Political Implications (Case Study: Mozambique)
Health and Disease I: The HIV/AIDS Epidemic and its Impact on Gender Relations & Youth Sexuality (Case Study: Uganda)
Health and Disease II: Ebola (Case Study: Liberia)
Aid, Crisis, Globalization I: Development Interventions (Case Study: Lesotho)
Aid, Crisis, Globalization II: Global Conflicts, Local Wars (Case Study: Sierra Leone)
Perspectives on Africa: Student Presentations on Selected Topic/ Case Studies I
Perspectives on Africa: Student Presentations on Selected Topic/ Case Studies II
Required Reading
Visa literatūra ir angļu valodā un piemērota gan latviešu, gan angļu plūsmas studentiem
Abramowitz, Sharon. 2017. Epidemics (Especially Ebola). Annual Review of Anthropology 46(1): 421–45.
Behrends, Andrea, and Carola Lentz. 2012. Education, Careers, and Home Ties: The Ethnography of an Emerging Middle Class from Northern Ghana. Zeitschrift für Ethnologie 137: 139–64.
Ferguson, James. 1994. The Anti-Politics Machine: “Development”, Depoliticization, and Bureaucratic Power in Lesotho. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. (jaunāks izdevums nav izdots)
Macamo, Elísio. 2018. Urbane Scholarship: Studying Africa, Understanding the World. Africa 88(01): 1–10.
Mbembe, Achille. 2016. Decolonizing the University: New Directions. Arts and Humanities in Higher Education 15(1): 29–45.
Parikh, Shanti. 2015. Regulating Romance: Youth Love Letters, Moral Anxiety, and Intervention in Uganda’s Time of AIDS. Nashville: Vanderbilt University Press.
Richards, Paul. 2010 (1996). Fighting for the Rainforest: War, Youth, and Ressources in Sierra Leone. In: Grinker, R.R.; Lubkemann, S.C. and Steiner, C.B. (eds.). 2010. Perspectives on Africa – A Reader in Culture, History, and Representation. Second (jaunāks izdevums nav izdots)
Sumich, Jason. 2016. The Uncertainty of Prosperity: Dependence and the Politics of Middle-Class Privilege in Maputo. Ethnos 81(5): 821–41.