Normal Physiology
Study Course Implementer
Riga, 16 Dzirciema Street,, +371 67061550
About Study Course
Preliminary Knowledge
Learning Outcomes
1.On successful course completion the student will be able to: • list main functions of different organs and organ systems; • explain delivery mechanisms of various organism functions; • analyse cause and effect relationships in the processes occurring in the human body; • describe regulatory mechanisms occurring in the organism; • list and define various parameters that characterise functions of the organism; • differentiate hierarchy levels of regulatory mechanisms.
1.On successful course completion the student will be able to: • prepare a person for application of a specific method of investigation; • choose the most appropriate method of investigation for evaluation of the body functions; • calculate or find the normal values of the most important parameters that characterise functions of the human body; • identify and measure the most important physiological parameters; • differentiate correct results of measurements and recordings from artefacts; • recognise results of functional investigation methods that indicate healthy organism function.
1.On successful course completion the student will be able to: • integrate individual knowledge and skills in a global view of the whole human body; • use acquired knowledge and skills in studies of specialised/clinical courses.
Individual work
Study Course Theme Plan
Cell physiology.
Physiology of excitatory tissue. Skeletal muscle physiology.
Signal transmission along a nerve fibers and between cells.
Signal processing in central nervous system. Basic principles of regulation. Reflexes.
Simple motor functions. Smooth muscle.
Functions of the autonomic nervous system.
Motor funktions.
Integrative functions of the central nervous system.
Sensory physiology.
Cell physiology.
Physiology of excitatory tissue. Skeletal muscle physiology.
Signal transmission along a nerve fibers and between cells. Signal processing in central nervous system.
Basic principles of regulation. Reflexes. Simple motor functions.
Smooth muscle. Functions of the autonomic nervous system.
1st colloquium.
Integrative functions of the central nervous system I. Motor funktions.
Integrative functions of the central nervous system II.
Sensory physiology I.
Sensory physiology II.
Sensory physiology III.
2nd colloquium.
Hydrodynamics of blood flow. Arteries and veins.
Physiology of the heart.
Physiology of circulation.
Blood physiology. Respiratory physiology.
Respiratory physiology.
Metabolism and temperature regulation.
Hormonal regulation I.
Physiology of epithelial tissue. Regulation of calcium and phosphate balance. Bone physiology.
Oral physiology. Phonation and artikulation. Gastrointestinal physiology I.
Hormonal regulation II. Gastrointestinal physiology II.
Water balance. Renal functions.
Hydrodynamics of blood flow. Arteries and veins.
Physiology of the heart.
Blood flow in the microcirculation. Blood flow regulation.
Blood physiology.
Respiratory physiology.
3rd colloquium.
Metabolism and temperature regulation.
Hormonal regulation I.
Oral physiology. Phonation and artikulation. Gastrointestinal physiology I.
Hormonal regulation II. Gastrointestinal physiology II.
Water balance. Renal functions.
4th colloquium.
Required Reading
Aberberga-Augškalne, L. un Koroļova O. Fizioloģija ārstiem. 2. izd. Rīga : Medicīnas apgāds, 2021.
Ārvalstu studentiem/For international students
Additional Reading
John E. Hall & Michael E. Hall Guyton and Hall Textbook of Medical Physiology. 14th Edition, Elsevier, 2021. ClinicalKey.
Bruce M. Koeppen & Bruce A. Stanton. Berne & Levy Physiology. 7th Edition, Elsevier, 2018. ClinicalKey.
John E. Hall & Michael E. Hall, Pocket Companion to Guyton and Hall Textbook of Medical Physiology. 14th Edition, Elsevier, 2021.
Other Information Sources
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