Basics of Paediatrics III
Study Course Implementer
Riga, 45 Vienibas gatve,, +371 67621730
About Study Course
Preliminary Knowledge
Learning Outcomes
1.The acquired knowledge will enable students to describe the childhood illnesses in terms of prevalence and priorities, to state and explain facts on risk factors, primary prophylaxis, morphology, aetiology, pathology, diagnosis and treatment methods, including the aspects of clinical pharmacology, rehabilitation, psychotherapy, intensive care, and secondary prophylaxis in paediatrics.
1.To collect data on patient’s main complaints and anamnesis; To perform physical examination on a patient by palpation, percussion, and auscultation; Detection and evaluation of peripheral pulse, heart rate, respiratory rate, and blood pressure according to the particular clinical situation, and connection of the findings to the overall investigation process; To apply argumentation, logic and rhetoric skills in analysis and discussion of clinical situations, in solving particular clinical tasks and reaching the goals in professional development; Ability to communicate with patients, their relatives, colleagues, and other healthcare personnel; Ability to improve one’s communication skills, respecting different levels of knowledge and experience, traditions, cultural practices, and personality types; To write prescriptions of different forms of medication.
1.Integration of the knowledge in morphology and homeostasis in evaluation of a person’s health status, formulation of diagnosis, and providing an individualized plan for treatment and care of a patient. Interpretation of laboratory tests in context of a clinical situation, and connecting the results to the overall investigation process. Comparison of signs of pathology with normal parameters of homeostasis and morphology, recognition of symptoms, providing explanation of pathophysiology, formulation of diagnosis and differential diagnosis, evaluation of likelihood of most common complications, making prognosis on the course and outcome of the disease.
Individual work
Study Course Theme Plan
Skills in performing CPR on children of various age groups.
Rheumatological diseases (Presentation of clinical cases, analysis of clinical tasks).
Diseases of haematology and oncology (Presentation of clinical cases, analysis of clinical tasks).
Infectious diseases in children (Presentation of clinical cases, analysis of clinical tasks).
Disorders of the digestive system (Presentation of clinical cases, analysis of clinical tasks).
Cardiovascular disorders (Presentation of clinical cases, analysis of clinical tasks).
Disorders of allergology and pulmonology (Presentation of clinical cases, analysis of clinical tasks).
Endocrine disorders (Presentation of clinical cases, analysis of clinical tasks).
Nephrological diseases (Presentation of clinical cases, analysis of clinical tasks).
Peculiarities of diagnostic laboratory tests in children at different ages.
Child abuse as a problem in medicine. Shaken baby syndrome. Sudden infant death syndrome.
Required Reading
E - studijās ievietotie mācību materiāli.
Kliegman, Robert M., MD; St Geme, Joseph W., Texbook of Pediatrics. Elsevier Inc., 2020.
RSU tiešsaistes datu bāzes: brīvpieejas datubāzes (PubMed), uz pierādījumiem balstītas medicīnas datubāzes- ClinicalKEY, DynaMedPlus.
Additional Reading
Kliegman, Robert M., MD; Lye, Patricia S., Pediatric symtom- based diagnosis. Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved., 2018.
Marcdante, Karen J., MD; Kliegman, Robert M., MD. Essentials of pediatrics. Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved., 2019.