Health Behaviour
Study Course Implementer
Riga, 5 J. Asara Street,, +37167061587
About Study Course
To provide students with an opportunity to acquire knowledge about the concepts of the health behaviour, the main theories/models of health behaviour and the main theories of the mind-body connection, as well as to develop skills of using these concepts in future professional activities.
Preliminary Knowledge
Not required.
Learning Outcomes
1.Students define the notion of health behaviour; they compare and evaluate different theories and models of health behaviour; describe fundamental principles of main theories of health behaviour; describe signs and indicators of stress; analyse health-promoting and health risk behaviour; explain the role of healthy lifestyle.
1.Students use terminology acquired during the course, apply knowledge to analyse individual health-related behaviour and possible health behaviour goals; students use theories and models of health behaviour in planning possible strategies of health behaviour improvement or change; use techniques of self-regulation.
1.Students are able to assess health behaviour of a person and to formulate goals of health behaviour change; students are able to explain and motivate the chosen health promotion strategies in accordance with health behaviour theories and models.
Individual work
Study Course Theme Plan
The concept of health and disease
Health behaviour and related concepts
Theories and models of health behaviour
Factors influencing health and health behaviour
Health-promoting behaviour and change of health behaviour
Motivational interviewing and self-regulation methods
Presentation of the final work
The concept of health and disease
Health behaviour and related concepts
Theories and models of health behaviour
Factors influencing health and health behaviour
Health-promoting behaviour and change of health behaviour
Motivational interviewing and self-regulation methods
Presentation of the final work
Required Reading
Mārtinsone K., Sudraba V. ( (2019). Veselības psiholoģija. Teorijas un prakses starpdisciplinārā perspektīva.
Mārtinsone K., Sudraba V. (red.) (2016). Veselības psiholoģija. Kolektīvajā monogrāfijā.
Mārtinsone, K., Šmits, D., Mihailovs, I. J., Mārtinsone, A., Ruža, A., Vanadziņš, I., ... & Paičs, I. (2021). Pašpalīdzības un pašvadības iespēju arsenāls krīzes un transformāciju laikā: Metodes ikvienam.
Additional Reading
Glanz, K., Rimer, B. K., Viswanath. (2015). Health Behavior : Theory, Research, and Practice (5th edition). Jossey - Bass, A Wiley Brand
Mārtinsone K., Miltuze A. (red.). (2015). Psiholoģija 1: Pamatjautājumi – teorijas un pētījumi. Zvaigzne ABC.
Mārtinsone K., Miltuze A. (red.). (2015). Psiholoģija 2: Personība, grupa, sabiedrība, kultūra (13.nodaļa: Veselība un slimība psiholoģijā). Zvaigzne ABC.
Mārtinsone K., Miltuze A. (red.). (2015). Psiholoģija 3: lietišķās jomas. Zvaigzne ABC.
Sanderson C.A. (2013). Health psychology (2nd ed.). NY: Wiley.
Bite, I., Mārtinsone K., Sudraba V. (red.). (2016). Konsultēšanas un psihoterapijas teorija un prakse. Zvaigzne ABC.
Ļevina J., Mārtinsone K. (2016). Konsultēšana un konsultatīvā psiholoģija. Rīga: RSU.
Other Information Sources
British Journal of Health Psychology
Journal of Epidemiology of Community Health
Journal of Health Psychology
Psychology and Health
Publikāciju bibliogrāfiskās un citēšanas informācijas datubāzes: Scopus, Web of Science.
E-žurnālu datubāzes: Academic Search Complete, Cambridge journals, Wiley-Blackwell, ScienceDirect.