Study Course Implementer
Dzirciema street 16, Rīga,
About Study Course
Preliminary Knowledge
Learning Outcomes
1.On completion of the study course students will be able to demonstrate: • basic and specialised knowledge of forensic techniques, tactics and methodology, which have a significant impact on the progress and quality of the investigation of criminal offence; • understanding of key concepts and regularities in forensic techniques, tactics and methodology for identifying the different types of trace-formation mechanisms and their succession; selecting appropriate investigative actions for each particular criminal offence; proposing possible versions and proving them; • knowledge of the scene inspection, drawing up an investigation plan and carrying out other investigative activities.
1.On completion of the study course, students will be able to: • carry out the tasks assigned during the study course independently, using special literature and improving their knowledge and skills; • demonstrate a scientific approach to tackling the assigned tasks; • take responsibility for the quality of the tasks assigned and the results obtained; • make a decision independently on the method to be applied for scene inspection, on the choice of the method for print and trace collection, on the choice of investigative action to be taken in the course of investigation, justifying the choice and defending their opinion; • find a solution independently to address problem situations by taking responsibility for the decision made and justifying it; • use the acquired theoretical knowledge and practical skills in obtaining information and analysing it in order to make an appropriate decision in the existing situation; • assess critically the existing situation and independently decide on further action by justifying own opinion.
1.On completion of the study course, students will be able to: • use theoretical knowledge and skills in forensic techniques, tactics and methodology in carrying out the assigned tasks and for self-improvement; • independently obtain and analyse the information at the scene of the criminal offence, propose possible versions, independently draw up a plan of investigative actions to be taken; • make reasoned decisions independently, prognosticate the possible problem situations and find possible solutions to the problem while carrying out the tasks assigned during the course; • demonstrate understanding of professional ethics by carrying out the tasks assigned and by discussing and justifying one’s opinion.
Individual work
Study Course Theme Plan
The concept of forensic science, system and tasks. The role of forensic science in detecting and investigating criminal offences. The place of forensic science in the system of sciences. The concept of forensic technique and the system. Possibilities for the use of forensic techniques in the investigation of criminal offences.
The concept of forensic tactics and the system. Tactics for individual investigative actions: investigatory inspection, interrogation, search, collection, detention, suspect identification, on-the-spot examination of evidence, investigatory experiment, interception of telephone calls and obtaining information by technical means.
Search tactics. Involvement of specialists in the investigation. Expert examinations. Investigation situations. Forensic versions and investigation planning.
The concept and system of the methodology for investigating criminal offences. Methodology for investigating individual types of criminal offences: offence against the person, property crimes, drug crimes, IT crimes, etc.
The concept of forensic science, system and tasks. The role of forensic science in detecting and investigating criminal offences. The place of forensic science in the system of sciences. The concept of forensic technique and the system. Possibilities for the use of forensic techniques in the investigation of criminal offences.
The concept of forensic tactics and the system. Tactics for individual investigative actions: investigatory inspection, interrogation, search, collection, detention, suspect identification, on-the-spot examination of evidence, investigatory experiment, interception of telephone calls and obtaining information by technical means.
Search tactics. Involvement of specialists in the investigation. Expert examinations. Investigation situations. Forensic versions and investigation planning.
The concept and system of the methodology for investigating criminal offences. Methodology for investigating individual types of criminal offences: offence against the person, property crimes, drug crimes, IT crimes, etc.
Required Reading
Noteikumi par tiesu ekspertīžu iestāžu sarakstu un tiesu ekspertu specialitāšu klasifikatoru: Ministru kabineta 20.12.2016. noteikumi Nr. 835. Latvijas Vēstnesis Nr. 251 (5823), 23.12.2016.
Bleay, Stephen M., Croxton, Ruth S., Marcel de Puit. Fingerprint development techniques. Theory and Application. Wiley, USA, India, 2018.
Daktiloskopija. Aut. kol. O. Arājs, M. Čentoricka, S. Silarāja, A. Evardsons. Rīga, Latvijas Vēstnesis, 2005.
Dombrovskis, R. Kriminālistikas teorētiskie pamati. Rīga, "Biznesa augstskola Turība" SIA, 2003.
Evardsons, A. Kriminālistikas tehniskie līdzekļi, Rīga, Biznesa augstskola Turība, 2007.
Gardner, Ross M., Krouskup, Donna R. Practical Crime Scene Processing and Investigation. Boca Raton, London, New York, CRC Press Taylor&Francis Group, 2018.
Harris, Howard A., Lee, Henry C. Introduction to Forensic Science and Criminalistics. Boca Raton, London, New York, CRC Press Taylor&Francis Group, 2017.
Konovalovs, J. Vielas kā noziedzīga nodarījuma pēdas. Rīga, SIA ,,Petrovskis un Ko”, 2007.
Kriminālistikas tehnika. Mācību grāmata, I daļa, IV izdevums. Autoru grupa profesora A. Kavaliera vadībā. Rīga, Latvijas Policijas akadēmija, 2003.
Kriminālistikas taktika. Mācību grāmata, II daļa, IV izdevums. Autoru grupa profesora A. Kavaliera vadībā. Rīga, Latvijas Policijas akadēmija, 2002
Kriminālistikas metodika. Mācību grāmata, III daļa. Autoru grupa profesora A. Kavaliera vadībā. Rīga, Latvijas Policijas akadēmija, 2005.
Kriviņš, A. Korupcijas novēršana un apkarošana publisko iepirkumu jomā. Rīga, SIA ,,Izdevniecība Drukātava", 2015.
Krutova, Ē. Starpvalstu sadarbība transnacionālo organizēto noziegumu izmeklēšanā. Rīga, 2011.
Ķinis, U. Kibernoziedzība, kibernoziegumi un jurisdikcija. Rīga, Apgāds ,,Jumava", 2015.
Leja, M. Krāpšanas aktuālie jautājumi Latvijas un ārvalstu tiesībās. Rīga, Izdevējs ,,Tiesu namu aģentūra", 2013.
Organized Crime and the Financial Crisis. Recent Trends in the baltic Sea Region. Ed by W. Kogo, E. Leijonmarck, A. Molcean. Stockholm, Institut for Security & Development Policy, 2011.
Saferstein, R. Criminalistics an introduction to forensic science. Boston, Pearson, 2015
Tetetris, O. Tiesu medicīnas esence. Rīga, Apgāds ,,Rasa ABC”, 2004.
Notikuma vietas apskates eksperta rokasgrāmata. Rīga, 2014.
Tiesu ekspertīze un noziedzīga nodarījuma notikuma vietas apskate. Vadlīnijas ekspertīžu noteikšanai un darbam notikuma vietā. Rīga, 2015.
Additional Reading
Bartol, Curt R., Bartol Anne M. Introduction to forensic psychology. Reserarch and Application. Los Angeles, Sage, 2019.
Čentoricka, M. Pirkstu pēdu atklāšanas un izņemšanas līdzekļi un metodes. Rīga, Latvijas Vēstnesis, 2002.
Forensic Evidence in Canada. G.M. Chayko, E.D. Gulliver, D.V. Macdougall. Ontario, Canada Law Book INC, 1991.
Grieznis, P. Praktiskā kriminālistika. Rīga, ,,Likuma vārdā”, 2000.
Holder, Eric H., Robinson, Laurie O., Laub, John H. The Fingerprint Sourcebook. Washington, U.S. Department of Justice Office of Justice Programs, 2004.
Indulēns, I. Kriminālistika. Rīga, ,,Zvaigzne", 1978.
Ķinis, U. Jurisdikcija un kibernoziegimi. Rīga, Apgāds ,,Jumava", 2013.
Lentini, John J. Scientific Protocols for Fire Investigation. Boca Raton, London, New York, CRC Press Taylor&Francis Group, 2019.
Owen, D. Profiling the psychology of catshing killers. Buffalo, New York, Fiefly Books, 2014.
Saferstein, R. Criminalistics an Introduction to Forensic Sciene. New Jerrsey, Prentice Hall Upper Saddle River, 2001.
Šāviena pēdas un to izpēte ar skenējošo elektronu mikroskopu. Mācību metodiskais līdzeklis. Aut. kol. G.Bebris, V.Veseris, A.Patmalnieks. Rīga, 2009.
The Fingerprint Sourcebook. E.H. Holder, L. O. Robinson, J.Laub. Lexington, National Justice of Justice USA, 2013.
Thurman, James T. Bomb Scene Investigation. Boca Raton, London, New York, CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group, 2017.
Turvey, Brent E. Criminal Profiling an intruduction to behavioral evidence analysis. Elsevier, Oxford, 2012.
Zahars, V. Noziedzības ekonomiskie un sociālpsiholoģiskie determinanti. Mācību līdzeklis. Daugavpils, Daugavpils universitāte, Akadēmiskais apgāds ,,Saule", 2017.
Белкин, Р.С. Криминалистика. Краткая энциклопедия. Москва, Научное издательство ,,Большая Российская Энциклопедия, 1993.
ТЭСС, Л.В. Воры ,,В законе и прочие ... (преступность и общество). Рига, 2009.
Other Information Sources
Zinātniski teorētisks žurnāls ,,Administratīvā un kriminālā justīcija”
Nedēļas žurnāls ,,Jurista vārds”
RSU Juridiskās fakultātes elektroniskais juridisko zinātnisko rakstu žurnāls "Socrates"