Public Relations Management Models
Study Course Implementer
Dzirciema street 16, Rīga,
About Study Course
Preliminary Knowledge
Learning Outcomes
1.Knowledge of the nature, place and role of public relations in the organization's management system. After completing the course, they will be familiar with management strategies, will be able to plan public relations and create successful communication interactions.
1.To create a proactive approach to strategic organisation of public relations, building responding communication reputation, to plan and implement public relations campaigns and researches characteristic for the industry.
1.About public relations as one of management tools, their different operation areas, trends and tools in accordance with industry specifics and ethical guidelines.
Individual work
Study Course Theme Plan
Concepts, definitions. Introduction. Interaction between public relations (PR) and marketing. Different publics and relations with them. Strategic PR models of J. Grunig.
Planning of public relations – I. Planning of public relations – II. Internal PR and communication with internal public.
Sales and marketing as a part of integrated public relations communication – I. Sales and marketing as a part of integrated public relations communication – II.
Research and business as a part of integrated public relations communication – I. Research and business as a part of integrated public relations communication – II. Research and business as a part of integrated public relations communication – III.
Communication at state level as a part of integrated public relations communication – I. Communication at state level as a part of integrated public relations communication – II.
Publicity and promotion as a part of integrated public relations communication – I. Publicity and promotion as a part of integrated public relations communication – II. Media relations as a part of integrated public relations communication.
Reputation management as a part of integrated public relations communication – I. Reputation management as a part of integrated public relations communication – II. Event management as a part of integrated public relations communication.
Group work – presentation of industry researches.
Required Reading
Byrum K. (2018) Public Relations Strategies and Tactics. - Cognella Academic Publishing
International public relations and public diplomacy : communication and engagement (2015) / Guy J. Golan, Sung-Un Yang, Dennis F. Kinsey, editors. - New York : Peter Lang
Wilcox D.L., Cameron G.T. (2014) Public Relations: Strategies and Tactics (11th Edition). – Pearson
Wilcox, Dennis L. (2013) Public relations writing and media techniques / Dennis L. Wilcox, Bryan H. Reber. - 7th ed. - Boston : Pearson Education
Smith, Ronald D. (2013) Strategic planning for public relations / Ronald D. Smith. - 4th ed. - New York : Routledge
Additional Reading
Cutlip S.M., Center A.H., Broom G.M., Effective public relations. 9th ed. - Upper Saddle River : Pearson Education International, 2006
Shafritz J.M., Russell E.W., Introducing public administration. 4th ed.- New York: Pearson Education, 2005
Barry A., PR power : inside secrets from the world of spin.- London : Virgin Books, 2002
Argenti P.A., Forman J., The power of corporate communication : crafting the voice and image of your business. - New York : McGraw-Hill, 2002
Austin E.W., Pinkleton B.E., Strategic public relations management : planning and managing effective communication programs. - Mahwah : Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2001
Hart N., The public relations audit : evaluation checklists to measure the impact of every message you send to customers, shareholders and the public. - London : Pearson Education, 2002