Environment, Occupational Health and Occupational Medicine
Study Course Implementer
Riga, 16 Dzirciema Street, avmk@rsu.lv, +371 67060816
About Study Course
Preliminary Knowledge
Learning Outcomes
1.As a result of completing the study course, students will acquire basic knowledge of the significance, principles, directions, objectives and practical application of environmental and occupational health and will be able to: • define the significance, principles, directions, tasks of environmental health and apply them in practice; • recognise environmental pollution and take preventive measures to reduce it; • name the requirements for the planning and landscaping of populated areas, as well as planning, landscaping and operation of housing, public buildings, medical care establishments, educational establishments; • define the importance of occupational health; • name possible occupational diseases in different occupational groups, harmful risk factors and preventive measures to improve the work environment.
1.As a result of completing the study course, students will be able: • to independently, critically analyse and apply ecological reasoning to support their views; • to use practical skills to solve problems about the role of environmental components (air, water, food) and the work environment, pollution and its effects on the human body; • to identify and assess the importance of the work environment, pollution and its effects on the human body; • to recognise potential occupational and work-related diseases; • to develop preventive measures in occupational health.
1.The acquired competence allows to: • see the connection between the state of human health and the conditions of the surrounding environment; • apply knowledge of the basics of argumentation, logic and rhetoric to analyse practical situations; • develop recommendations, measures to prevent or reduce harmful environmental risk factors, ensuring optimal interaction between the human body and the environment; • take responsibility and demonstrate leadership skills in cases where the interests of environmental safety, individuals or the society as a whole require it.
Individual work
Study Course Theme Plan
Summary of results of current research in environmental health. Environmental impact assessment
Planning and describing research on environmental health problems – preparing research protocols
Current developments in occupational health and occupational medicine, the latest statistics, a summary of current research results. The latest in occupational health legislation and health risk assessment. Mandatory health examination
Detailed assessment of work environment risk factors for new/specific work environment risks (also for specific groups of workers: young people, pregnant women, people with disabilities). Filling in mandatory health examination cards
Persistent organic compounds in the environment and impact thereof on health. Study on contamination of breast milk with persistent organic pollutants. Biomonitoring research programmes worldwide and in Europe. Research data
Determination of acceptable doses of chemicals from different exposure sources – data modelling and calculation. Application of toxicological methods in workplace risk factor assessment
Assessment of ergonomic risk factors in the workplace – a summary of research data. Ergonomic risk factors: prevention of musculoskeletal system disorders
Detailed research of ergonomic risk factors in the work environment – laboratory data
Evaluating employee efficiency and productivity. Health promotion in workplaces. Plan of health promotion measures
Required Reading
Eglīte M. Darba medicīna. 2. pārstrādātais un papildinātais izdevums. Rīga, 2012. (akceptējams izdevums)
Eglīte M., Matisāne L., Vanadzins I. u.c. Darba apstākļi un riski Latvijā 2012-2013.
Eglīte M., Aulika B., Avota M., Baķe M.Ā., Dundurs J., Jēkabsone I., Sprūdža D., Vanadziņš I. Vides veselība // Rīga: Rīgas Stradiņa universitāte, 2008.- 696 lpp. (akceptējams izdevums)
John R. Mulhausen, Joseph Damiano, Strategy for Assessing and Managing Occupational Exposures – American Industrial Hygiene Association, 2015.– p. 350
Ārvalstu studentiem/For international students:
John R. Mulhausen, Joseph Damiano, Strategy for Assessing and Managing Occupational Exposures – American Industrial Hygiene Association, 2015.– p. 350
Additional Reading
Information notices on occupational diseases: a guide to diagnosis (angl.). Autori – ES eksperti, to skaitā M.Eglīte // Luxembourg, European Communities, 2009. – 276 lpp.
Kaļķis V, Kristiņš I, Roja Ž., Darba vides risku novērtēšana //Rīga, 2003. – 101 lpp.
Kaļķis V, Roja Ž. (redaktori). Darba vides riska faktori un strādājošo veselības aizsardzība. // Rīga: Elpa, 2001. – 500.
Wallace A. Hayes, Principles and Methods of Toxicology // Taylor & Francis, 2001, - p. 1887
Ārvalstu studentiem/For international students:
Wallace A. Hayes, Principles and Methods of Toxicology // Taylor & Francis, 2001, - p. 1887
Information notices on occupational diseases: a guide to diagnosis (angl.). Autori – ES eksperti, to skaitā M.Eglīte // Luxembourg, European Communities, 2009. – 276 lpp.
Other Information Sources
Pasaules Veselības Organizācijas interneta vietnes mājas lapa kā arī citas aroda un vides veselības nozares oficiālas un starptautiski atzītas interneta mājas lapas.