Basics and Methodology of Athletics Exercises
Study Course Implementer
LSPA, Brīvības gatve 333, Riga, LV-1006
About Study Course
Preliminary Knowledge
Learning Outcomes
1.1. Origin, history and development of track and field disciplines in Latvia and worldwide. 2. Methodology for teaching techniques and tactics of track and field disciplines (teaching methods, study aids, forms of organisation of sports classes). 3. Formative, summative assessment and self-assessment in learning track and field exercises.
1.4. Demonstrates different movement methods (walking, running, jumping) and movement of objects (throwing) at all levels of education. 5. Practically plans, leads track and field exercises and assesses their learning in accordance with state pre-school education guidelines, the requirements of the state basic education standard and the state secondary education standard in the field of studies. Demonstrates the skills learned in modified track and field discipline competitions.
1.6. Able to plan, lead an interdisciplinary and individualised learning process in various activities involving track and field exercises. 7. Able to critically analyse and evaluate the pedagogical aids, methods, techniques and track and field aids used, their compliance with students’ abilities and education goals in diverse health-promoting track and field exercise activities. 8. Able to take responsibility for classes with track and field exercises and safety of events at school. 9. Able to establish clear performance and growth assessment criteria and testing methods for students. 10. Able to analyse learning outcomes and track student’s growth, identify support measures needed to improve learning performance. 11. Able to provide feedback in the assessment of both the students and their activities. 12. Able to creatively choose study aids in learning track and field exercises by integrating health and safety content, other subject areas, transversal skills and values. 13. Able to identify security hazards and risks in different environments and situations during track and field exercises, take preventive safety measures, choosing the most appropriate problem-solving strategies.
Individual work
Study Course Theme Plan
Introductory lesson, content, requirements and assessment of study course. Roles of track and field exercises in sports education of school age children, fostering their physical and mental development. Safety rules in the gym, arena, stadium and on a rough terrain. Safety rules for walking, running, jumping and moving objects by throwing.
“Rules on national pre-school education guidelines and model programmes”, Regulations regarding the state basic education standard and model basic education programmes (CM Regulations No. 747). Learning outcomes in the field of physical activity – at the end of grade 3, 6 and 9. Topic Movement (walking, running, jumping and moving objects by throwing).
Exercise tasks in walking and jumping in pre-school. Exercise tasks in running and moving objects by throwing in pre-school.
Exercise tasks in walking and jumping. Exercise tasks in running and moving objects by throwing. Obstacle course or circuit exercises with previously mastered exercise tasks (walking, running, jumping and moving objects by throwing) in grade 1.
Exercise tasks in walking and jumping. Exercise tasks in running and moving objects by throwing. Obstacle course or circuit exercises with previously mastered exercise tasks (walking, running, jumping and moving objects by throwing) in grade 2.
Exercise tasks in walking and jumping. Exercise tasks in running and moving objects by throwing. Obstacle course or circuit exercises with previously mastered exercise tasks (walking, running, jumping and moving objects by throwing) in grade 3.
Mastering of pedagogical skills in leading part of a lesson with previously mastered exercise tasks (walking, running, jumping and moving objects by throwing) in grades 1-3 and their analysis.
Mastering of pedagogical skills in leading an obstacle course or circuit exercises with previously mastered exercise tasks (walking, running, jumping and moving objects by throwing) in grades 1-3 and analysis.
Exercise tasks in walking and jumping. Exercise tasks in running and moving objects by throwing. Obstacle course or circuit exercises with previously mastered exercise tasks (walking, running, jumping and moving objects by throwing) in grade 4.
Exercise tasks in walking and jumping. Exercise tasks in running and moving objects by throwing. Obstacle course, circuit exercises or sets of exercises with previously mastered exercise tasks (walking, running, jumping and moving objects by throwing) in grade 5.
Exercise tasks in walking and jumping. Exercise tasks in running and moving objects by throwing. Sets of exercises with previously mastered exercise tasks (walking, running, jumping and moving objects by throwing) in grade 6.
Mastering of pedagogical skills in leading part of a lesson with previously mastered exercise tasks (walking, running, jumping and moving objects by throwing) in grades 4-6 and their analysis.
Exercise tasks in running and moving objects by throwing. Sets of exercises with previously mastered exercise tasks (walking, running, jumping and moving objects by throwing) in grade 8.
Exercise tasks in running and moving objects by throwing. Sets of exercises with previously mastered exercise tasks (walking, running, jumping and moving objects by throwing). Mastering of pedagogical skills in leading part of a lesson with previously mastered exercise tasks (walking, running, jumping and moving objects by throwing) in grades 7-9 and their analysis.
Exercise tasks in walking and jumping. Exercise tasks in running and moving objects by throwing. Sets of exercises and obstacle courses with previously mastered exercise tasks (walking, running, jumping and moving objects by throwing) in grade 10.
Exercise tasks in walking and jumping. Exercise tasks in running and moving objects by throwing. Sets of exercises and obstacle courses with previously mastered exercise tasks (walking, running, jumping and moving objects by throwing) in grade 11.
Exercise tasks in walking and jumping. Exercise tasks in running and moving objects by throwing. Sets of exercises and obstacle courses with previously mastered exercise tasks (walking, running, jumping and moving objects by throwing) in grade 12.
Class modelling, practical presentation. Leading of track and field exercises on the basis of a self-created description of performance levels of pupils and for the assessment of transversal skills and self-assessment. Self-assessment of assessment of the lesson plan and performance level of pupils. Peer assessment of assessment of the lesson plan and performance levels of pupils.
Exercise tasks in walking and jumping. Exercise tasks in running and moving objects by throwing. Obstacle course or circuit exercises with previously mastered exercise tasks (walking, running, jumping and moving objects by throwing) in grade 1.
Exercise tasks in walking and jumping. Exercise tasks in running and moving objects by throwing. Obstacle course or circuit exercises with previously mastered exercise tasks (walking, running, jumping and moving objects by throwing) in grade 2.
Exercise tasks in walking and jumping. Exercise tasks in running and moving objects by throwing. Obstacle course or circuit exercises with previously mastered exercise tasks (walking, running, jumping and moving objects by throwing) in grade 3.
Mastering of pedagogical skills in leading part of a lesson with previously mastered exercise tasks (walking, running, jumping and moving objects by throwing) in grades 1-3 and their analysis.
Mastering of pedagogical skills in leading an obstacle course or circuit exercises with previously mastered exercise tasks (walking, running, jumping and moving objects by throwing) in grades 1-3 and analysis.
Exercise tasks in walking and jumping. Exercise tasks in running and moving objects by throwing. Obstacle course or circuit exercises with previously mastered exercise tasks (walking, running, jumping and moving objects by throwing) in grade 4.
Exercise tasks in walking and jumping. Exercise tasks in running and moving objects by throwing. Obstacle course, circuit exercises or sets of exercises with previously mastered exercise tasks (walking, running, jumping and moving objects by throwing) in grade 5.
Exercise tasks in walking and jumping. Exercise tasks in running and moving objects by throwing. Sets of exercises with previously mastered exercise tasks (walking, running, jumping and moving objects by throwing) in grade 6.
Mastering of pedagogical skills in leading part of a lesson with previously mastered exercise tasks (walking, running, jumping and moving objects by throwing) in grades 4-6 and their analysis.
Exercise tasks in running and moving objects by throwing. Sets of exercises with previously mastered exercise tasks (walking, running, jumping and moving objects by throwing) in grade 8.
Exercise tasks in running and moving objects by throwing. Sets of exercises with previously mastered exercise tasks (walking, running, jumping and moving objects by throwing). Mastering of pedagogical skills in leading part of a lesson with previously mastered exercise tasks (walking, running, jumping and moving objects by throwing) in grades 7-9 and their analysis.
Exercise tasks in walking and jumping. Exercise tasks in running and moving objects by throwing. Sets of exercises and obstacle courses with previously mastered exercise tasks (walking, running, jumping and moving objects by throwing) in grade 10.
Exercise tasks in walking and jumping. Exercise tasks in running and moving objects by throwing. Sets of exercises and obstacle courses with previously mastered exercise tasks (walking, running, jumping and moving objects by throwing) in grade 11.
Exercise tasks in walking and jumping. Exercise tasks in running and moving objects by throwing. Sets of exercises and obstacle courses with previously mastered exercise tasks (walking, running, jumping and moving objects by throwing) in grade 12.
Class modelling, practical presentation. Leading of track and field exercises on the basis of a self-created description of performance levels of pupils and for the assessment of transversal skills and self-assessment. Self-assessment of assessment of the lesson plan and performance level of pupils. Peer assessment of assessment of the lesson plan and performance levels of pupils.
Required Reading
1. Avotiņa, I. (2016). Vieglatlētika. Rīga, DUE, 160lpp.
2. Avotiņa, I. (2015). Vieglatlētikas pamati. 1.daļa, Rīga, LSPA, 102lpp.
3. Avotiņa, I. (2015). Vieglatlētikas pamati. 2.daļa, Rīga, LSPA, 104lpp.
4. Avotiņa, I., & Škutāne, S. (2015). Stafetes no sporta zāles līdz stadionam. Rīga. LSPA, 32lpp.
5. Noteikumi par valsts pamatizglītības standartu un pamatizglītības programmu paraugiem. (2018). Ministru kabineta noteikumi Nr. 747.
6. Noteikumi par valsts vispārējās vidējās izglītības standartu un vispārējās vidējās izglītības programmu paraugiem. (2019). Ministru kabineta noteikumi Nr. 416.
7. Sports un veselība 1.-9. klasei. (2019). Mācību priekšmeta programmas paraugs. Valsts izglītības satura centrs | ESF projekts Nr. Kompetenču pieeja mācību saturā, 179lpp.