Outdoor Activities I
Study Course Implementer
LSPA, Brīvības gatve 333, Riga, LV-1006
About Study Course
Preliminary Knowledge
Learning Outcomes
1.1. The student will know types of recreational outdoor activities and their description. Will know the types of recreative hikes, the organisation methodology – suitable for different contingents, objectives, environment and available resources. 2. Will know the basic principles of diverse cooperation activities, group and team management, principles of development dynamics. Group recruitment and team building. Evaluation of team development and activity. 3. Will know the digital tools, applications, communication technologies used in outdoor activities (by publishing event posters and reviews).
1.4. The student can plan, implement and evaluate a recreative walking hike. Will be able to work both individually and in a team. 5. The student will be able to understand and organise an activity in which one of the digital technologies is used. 6. Will be able to plan and organise outdoor environment team building tasks (games, relays, low ropes tasks). Will be able to select materials – technical equipment – appropriate for specific activities. Will be able to see development opportunities, find innovative outdoor activities.
1.7. To independently apply knowledge and skills in planning, organising, leading, evaluating a walking hike. 8. Will be able to see, identify and assess the availability, capacity and sustainability of environmental resources (for hiking and other recreative activities). 9. Will be able to express themselves using professional terminology and concepts, communicate (including in English) with the group in outdoor activities organised by students. 10. Will be able to use digital tools effectively. Will be able to use information and communication technologies, basic ethical principles when organising recreative activities. Will be able to meet data protection requirements in the digital environment.
Individual work
Study Course Theme Plan
Introductory lecture. Requirements of the study course. Description of outdoor activities and their suitability for recreation.
Walking hike. Planning, organising, leading of a walking hike.
Team introductions, collaborative activities in a variety of outdoor activities events. Outdoor team-building tasks, games, relay.
Use of digital technologies in outdoor activities.
Didactics of outdoor activities. Safety aspects in the provision of outdoor activities.
Low ropes in recreative events, their installation, creative use for a specific purpose, available resources and contingent.
Introductory lecture. Requirements of the study course. Description of outdoor activities and their suitability for recreation.
Walking hike. Planning, organising, leading of a walking hike.
Team introductions, collaborative activities in a variety of outdoor activities events. Outdoor team-building tasks, games, relay.
Use of digital technologies in outdoor activities.
Didactics of outdoor activities. Safety aspects in the provision of outdoor activities.
Low ropes in recreative events, their installation, creative use for a specific purpose, available resources and contingent.
Required Reading
Brencis, A. (2003). Aktīvais tūrisms. Rīga: Biznesa augstskola Turība, 224 lpp. (akceptējams izdevums)
Krauksta, D., Liepiņa, I. (2006). Lekcija „Tūrisma pārgājiena organizēšana”. LSPA, 21 lpp. (akceptējams izdevums)
Latvija. Tūrisma ceļvedis. (2012). Rīga: Karšu izdevniecība Jāņa sēta. 280 lpp. (akceptējams izdevums)
Liepiņa, I. (2006). Lekcija “Tūrisma speciālais inventārs”. LSPA, 21 lpp. (akceptējams izdevums)
Niče, K. (2008). 313 spēles telpās, brīvā dabā. Rīga: Jumava, 148 lpp. (akceptējams izdevums)
Klepers A., Līviņa A., Smaļinskis J. (2010). Tūrisma maršrutu veidošana. Valmiera: Vidzemes augstskola. 117 lpp. (akceptējams izdevums)
Rohnke, K.,E., Rogers, D. (2007). The Complete Ropes Course Manual, 428p. (akceptējams izdevums)
Ārvalstu studentiem/For international students:
Rohnke, K.,E., Rogers, D. (2007). The Complete Ropes Course Manual, 428p. (akceptējams izdevums)
Additional Reading
Bartunek, D., Martin, A. (2007). Games in nature. An Innovative Approach to Outdoor and Environmental Activities for Young Children. Praha: Duha, 186 p.
Mīkule, M., Hānbergs, Ē. (2013). Mūsu mazais pārgājiens. Rīga: Jumava, 189 lpp.
Štrauhmanis, J. (2004). Kartogrāfija tūrismam. Rīga: Biznesa augstkola Turība, 78 lpp.
Other Information Sources
Padomi tūrisma pārgājieniem