Developmental Physiology
Study Course Implementer
LSPA, Brīvības gatve 333, Riga, LV-1006
About Study Course
Preliminary Knowledge
Learning Outcomes
1.1. Will be well versed in the periodisation of ages. 2. Will be able to name and recognise anatomical and physiological characteristics of growing children at certain ages. 3. Will know changes in the structure and functions as a person ages. 4. Will know the role and significance of physical exercise in promoting physical development, developing and maintaining the ability to work.
1.The student will be able to measure and evaluate person’s anthropometric parameters.
1.To assess children’s and adult’s physical development, estimate their biological age and the degree of sexual development of adolescents. To choose the best physical activity load and training methods for each age of students; to choose appropriate exercises for elderly people.
Individual work
Study Course Theme Plan
Growth and development regularities, morphological changes in the body at different ages.
Anthropometric methods.
Physiological characteristics of a newborn.
Physiological characteristics of an infant.
Growth and development regularities, morphological changes in the body at different ages, physiological characteristics of a newborn and infant.
Physiological characteristics of children of early, first and second childhood age.
Physiological characteristics of children of early, first and second childhood age.
Physiological characteristics of adolescents and young people.
Physiological changes as the body ages.
Physiological characteristics of adolescents and young people. Physiological changes as the body ages.
Growth and development regularities, morphological changes in the body at different ages.
Physiological characteristics of children of early, first and second childhood age.
Physiological characteristics of adolescents and young people.
Physiological changes as the body ages.
Written test on age stages, physical development.
Required Reading
Pontaga I. Vecumposmu fizioloģija. 1.daļa .Māc. līdzeklis LSPA studentiem. Rīga: LSPA, 2012. 87 lpp. (akceptējams izdevums)
Pontaga I. Vecumposmu fizioloģija. 2.daļa. Māc.līdzeklis LSPA studentiem. Rīga: LSPA, 2012. 36 lpp. (akceptējams izdevums)
Rowland T.W. Children’s Exercise Physiology. Human Kinetics, 2004, printed in USA, 298 p. (akceptējams izdevums)
Ārvalstu studentiem/For international students:
Rowland T.W. Children’s Exercise Physiology. Human Kinetics, 2004, printed in USA, 298 p. (akceptējams izdevums)
Additional Reading
Malina R.M., Bouchard C., Bar-Or O. Growth, Maturation, and Physical Activity. Human Kinetics, 2004, 728 p.
Taylor A., Johnson M. Physiology of Exercise and Healthy Aging. 2nd ed. Human Kinetics, 2021, P. 304.
Pontaga I., Ūdre V. Bērnu un pusaudžu fizisko spēju attīstīšanas bioloģiskais pamatojums. Bērnu un pusaudžu trenera rokasgrāmata. (Galv. redaktors J.Žīdens). Rīga: Latvijas Treneru tālākizglītības centrs, 2008. 54. – 69. lpp.
Ārvalstu studentiem/For international students:
Malina R.M., Bouchard C., Bar-Or O. Growth, Maturation, and Physical Activity. Human Kinetics, 2004, 728 p.
Taylor A., Johnson M. Physiology of Exercise and Healthy Aging. 2nd ed. Human Kinetics, 2021, P. 304.
Other Information Sources
Malina R.M., Baxter-Jones A.D.G., Armstrong N., et all. Role of Intensive Training in the Growth and Maturation of Artistic Gymnasts (Review article). Sports Medicine, 2013, Vol. 43, P.783–802.
Tanner J.M., Preece M.A. (Eds.). The Physiology of Human Growth. Cambridge University Press, 2008, 232 p.