Competences of Psychologist's Professional Activities in Psychological Counseling
Study Course Implementer
Riga, 5 J. Asara Street,, +37167061587
About Study Course
To deepen the master's students' of the understanding of the professional competencies of a psychologist in psychological counseling.
Preliminary Knowledge
General knowledge of the professional activity of a psychologist at the bachelor's level.
Learning Outcomes
1.Students use terminology that characterizes the professional fields of clinical and health psychology, counseling psychology, work and organizational psychology, military psychology, educational and school psychology, and legal psychology in relation to psychological counseling, and the provision of psychological support.
1.Based on the description of the learning case and in accordance with the characteristics of the professional field of psychologists, students correctly apply knowledge to choose methods of psychological counseling or psychological support and plan the process of psychological support.
1.Students correctly apply knowledge and skills to independently develop a work plan for psychological counseling and support according to the psychologist's professional scope, based on a case description (study case), and also choose suitable psychological assessment methods and psychological counseling strategy, evaluating the limitations.
Individual work
Study Course Theme Plan
Introductory lecture. Basic principles of psychological counseling.
Professional activities of psychologists - clinical and health psychology, consultative, organizational, military, educational and legal psychology.
Psychological counseling and assistance in various areas of the psychologist's professional activity.
Required Reading
Dāvidsone, G. un Koļesņikova, J. (2018). Psihologa profesionālās darbības jomas. No K. Mārtinsone un B. Girgensone (red). Psihologu profesionālā darbība Latvijā: saturs, organizācija, regulējums. Psihologu likuma komentāri (117.-130.lpp). Rīga: Tiesu namu aģentūra.
Additional Reading
Hanley, T., & Winter, L. A. (Eds.). (2023). The SAGE handbook of counselling and psychotherapy. SAGE.
Fiscal, Z. J. M. (2019). Forensic Psychology. Society Publishing.
Dipboye, R. L. (2018). The emerald review of industrial and organizational psychology. ProQuest Ebook Central
Brown, J. Shell, Y. & Cole, T. (2015). Forensic Psychology: Theory, Research, Policy and Practice. SAGE Publications Ltd.
Fuertes, J. N., Spokane, A., & Holloway, E. (2013). Specialty Competencies in Counseling Psychology. Oxford University Press.
Hooley, J. M., Butcher, J. N., Matthew, K., N., & Mineka, S. (2017). Abnormal psychology and modern life (17th edition). London: Pearson Education Limited.
Kelly, B., Woolfson, L., & Boyle, J. (2016). Frameworks for Practice in Educational Psychology. 2nd edition: A Textbook for Trainees and Practitioners: Vol. Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
Ļevina J., Mārtinsone K. (2016). Konsultēšana un konsultatīvā psiholoģija. Rīga: RSU.
Mārtinsone, K. un Sudraba, V. (red.). (2019). Veselības psiholoģija. Teorijas un prakses starpdisciplinārā perspektīva. RSU izdevniecība.
Maheshwari, N., & Kumar, V. V. (2016). Military Psychology: Concepts, Trends and Interventions. New Delhi, India: Sage Publications Pvt. Ltd.
Puckett, J. A. (2022). Affirmative counseling for transgender and gender diverse clients (Vol. 45). Hogrefe Publishing GmbH.
Jastrzębski, A. K. (2022). Integrating spirituality into counseling: methods and practices. Taylor & Francis.
Other Information Sources
American Psychological Association (2021). Annual guide: trends report 2021. What’s ahead for psychologists and the field. Monitor of psychology, 52(1).
E-žurnālu datubāzes: Academic Search Complete, Cambridge journals, Wiley-Blackwell, ScienceDirect.
Psihologu sertifikācijas padome (2019). Psihologa profesionālās darbības jomu apraksts. Izglītības kvalitātes valsts dienests, Jomu aprakstā izmantoti Psihologu likuma komentāri. Rīga: Tiesu namu aģentūra, 2018.
Publikāciju bibliogrāfiskās un citēšanas informācijas datubāzes: Scopus, Web of Science.